2020 年是一个特殊的年份,新冠肺炎蔓延全球, 影响着整个人类,但我们众志成城、共克时艰,即使生活再难,对生活和技术的热爱不减。
2020 年是 PyCon China 的十周年,一路走来,风雨兼程。我们希望在这个特殊的年份继续举办这样一场特殊的技术峰会,用我们技术人的知识和力量来一起走下去
由于疫情原因,本届 PyCon China 将采用议题线上分享+北京,上海,深圳线下沙龙的组合方式进行举办,以最大程度减少健康风险,同时为讲师们保留彼此深入交流的机会。
As you know, 2020 is a special year for us, with an outbreak of COVID-19 that has attracted the attention of all people. 2020 is also a special year for PyCon China, the 10th year of PyCon China's birth. We hope to continue to host such special technical events in this special year to share the incentives for all developers to move forward in the infinite unknown. PyCon China 2020 is officially launched!
This year's PyCon China will be themed "Python for Good." We know technology should be a force for good, and Python, as one of the tools to advance science and technology, hopes that this conference will come together to bring all the technical people who use Python to contribute to "make the world better. "
Due to the outbreak, the PyCon China 2020 will be held using a configuration of the online sharing of the topics and in-person convergence of the speakers and volunteers, providing the components with the opportunity to interact with each other while casting the risk. The two-day conference will cover Python language features, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning, Web, DevOps, System management, Blockchain, Big Data, Software Testing, and More. We look forward to hearing more Python-related stories or experiences, and we sincerely invite you here!
由于疫情原因,本届 PyCon China 将采用议题线上分享+北京,上海,深圳线下沙龙的组合方式进行举办,以最大程度减少健康风险,同时为讲师们保留彼此深入交流的机会。
PyCon大会是Python语言社群全球性的盛会,PyConChina 是由 CPyUG(华蠎用户组)获得授权举办的中国PyCon年会。过去5年在北京、上海、广州、珠海、杭州、苏州、西安、合肥等地举办过十几次大会。